Olympian Ali Riley Joins The Dirty Protest: A Stand Against Ocean Sewage Pollution

Soccer star Ali Riley backs The Dirty Protest, an international campaign to end ocean sewage pollution. The initiative uses ink from sewage collected in the ocean to print petition signatures to pressure politicians into action. Riley's support highlights the urgent need for global action against sewage pollution to protect marine ecosystems and human health.

Jul 22, 2024
Press Release

From Poop to Poplars: How one Oregon Community turns its Waste into a Climate-Friendly Building Material

For the past 15 years, Todd Miller has been leading a project transforming wastewater into something valuable: poplar trees. At the Biocycle Farm in Oregon, he and his team compost biosolids to nurture a 400-acre plantation of poplars, protecting the local watershed and supporting a vision of a circular economy, where nothing goes to waste.

Jul 8, 2024

How to Poop on a Sailboat

Ever wondered how a simple sailing trip could turn into a deep dive into environmental ethics? Join the executive director of the Ocean Sewage Alliance as she navigates the Gulf of Mexico with a bucket for a toilet, revealing the stark realities of human waste disposal at sea and its impact on our oceans.

Jun 3, 2024
Pollution Incidents

Turtles, not Turdles

From my childhood fishing trips to sailing on Lake Erie, my father taught me to spot signs of water quality. Now, I see the same issues he warned about—sewage pollution everywhere. This World Turtle Day, let's take action to protect our waters from these threats.

May 13, 2024
Ocean Sewage Alliance