While the Knowledge Hub provides a broad overview of ocean wastewater pollution, decision-makers also need a decision-support tool to assist in determining best options for threat mitigation as well as monitoring and evaluation of implemented strategies. We will share that when it becomes available. Similar guides or decision-support tools would be useful for other types of solutions. There is also a need for uniform national and global databases to archive monitoring data, and allow for off-site meta-analysis.
There are organizations and businesses around the world that are addressing different aspects of this problem; whether it is specific to ocean or environmental health or not, it is helpful to have a better understanding of who those institutions and individuals are. There are some existing networks that are very specific to WASH and sanitation, such as the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) that are a great place to start.
There is also a need for more case studies, so that others may both get inspired and learn from projects that are underway, or completed. If you are embarking on a project, please reach out to us at info@oceansewagealliance.org so that we can share your progress along the way. Many assume that a project must be completed and deemed successful to be shared as a case study. However, mitigation projects can take several years, and there is so much to learn through the process; both what works and what doesn’t. It is invaluable to others to share those experiences.